Monday, February 23, 2009

The Greatest Game Ever

I've been playing this awesome game for a month already. It's Fifa Online 2!!!

To get this game type in Fifa Online 2 in the Google search bar. Than click the 1st site you see.
Anyway I need more people to play with. If u manage to download it ,create an account. PLEASE inform me once you have registered. TQ!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Is The Meaning Of K-E-R-D-I-L?

The highlight of my day is this question asked by my BM teacher let's call him VJ, okey. Here is the conversation.

VJ : OK, Praveen what is the meaning of KERDIL??
Praveen : Hmmmm.......
VJ : I'll give you a hint . I always use this word but in a different way ...... Cino-net
Praveen : Hmmmmm......
VJ : Daniel, (one of the shortest people in the class, no offense)come here stand next to me.(he said while putting his hand over his shoulder)
Praveen : Ohhhh....SUAMI!
Class :(hahahahahahahahahahahaha)
VJ : Oh you mean like this ........ (and carried Daniel like those bridegroom's who carry the bride's) No!!! It's short!
Praveen : Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh............


Monday, February 16, 2009


This is one of the many funny things that ever happen in my life. Today at school ,we had 'kelas tambahan' which started at 2 o'clock and school ends at 1 o'clock. So me and a few of my friends were walking around, nothing to do . Then Balamuragan one of my friends suggested that we go to the Dewan. We all agreed. First we tried one of the doors, the door was stuck but we still could see in. I saw a Prefect running up the stage stairs. So we investigated, we went through the side door and saw a person wearing a Syahbandar T-shirt (green) going backstage, so being the curious gang we went to check behind the stage. And we saw about 5 girls behind the stage.We all started laughing like crazy and asked them what were they were doing but they just kept QUIET! I don't like to mention names BUT to the people who do know who they are keep it to yourselves.But I can say the starting and ending of the names.

  1. J & E
  2. S & I
  3. F & I
  4. K & I
  5. V & I
Remember, the people who do know who they are keep it to yourselves! HaHahahahahaha!!(LOL) ENJOY!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pig's ARE Pink !

Latest news today is, that I got a super cute soft toy PIG!!!! Haha! So to people who think pigs are purple or any other color,then your sadly mistaken.And to people who are Malays,don't worry I won't come chasing you with a stuffed pig.(no offense)Tee Hee!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love It OR Smash it

I was just wondering what kind of songs the people of the world like.Please type the number of the song that you absolutely love and the number of the song that you absolutely hate and then type it on the chat box.Oh ya, don't forget to leave your name and please no xx or xxx or anonymous....type your real name!!!!

  1. Britney Spears - Circus
  2. Gym Class Heroes - Cookiejar
  3. Fallout Boy - America's Suitehearts (totally suitable for Valentines Day)
  4. Lady Gaga - Just Dance
  5. Jonas Brothers - Love Bug
  6. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
  7. Katy Perry - Hot n Cold
  8. Metro Station - 17 Forever
  9. Rihanna - Live Your Life
  10. Justin Timberlake - Magic
  11. Taylor Swift - Love Story
So, quickly send your messages and I'll get back to as soon as I can.

Other interesting , and . Have fun!! Tee hee !!!

Valentines Day Road Run

Today I ran 3.5 bloody km during my school's road run.Adding to the pain,the teachers didn't allow us to bring water cause it would "slow us down" what a load of junk.The students in my school were getting into the mood of Valentines Day.A pretty related performance by the duo Madeline and Irmelya singing the song Love Story by Taylor Swift.They may pass off as drunk Taylor Swift.Tee hee!+

Starting Fresh

My blog used to suck, so I am re-doing this sucky blog. As DIGI says 'time to change'. My blog is always the smarter choice.